After sustaining an injury on the job, employees in recovery can rely on workers’ compensation to help shoulder a portion of their medical expenses and lost wages. However, even with recovery, some injuries have lasting effects that can hinder workers from returning...
“We will ensure the settlement you receive is the best possible — and we are not afraid to go to trial to get it.”
– Attorney Eric Overholt

Workers’ Compensation Benefits
What you need to know about the independent medical examination
When you’re injured on the job, you have to find a way to pay for your medical treatment while covering the wages that you’ll lose by being knocked out of work. Without those resources, you might be in a dire financial predicament where you’re unable to pay your rent...
Permanent disability can be difficult to prove
We strain parts of our bodies through repetitive work, but we are also vulnerable to more devastating injuries. Work-related accidents can be horrifying, leaving us forever incapacitated. Permanent disability changes a person’s entire life; we must adjust to the...
Small injuries can mean big losses for restaurant workers
According to the Labor Occupational Health Program at the University of California, Berkeley, restaurant workers are at risk of suffering a range of injuries while on the job. Those injuries can include, but are not limited to sprains and strains, cuts and...
Common types of manufacturing accidents
Individuals who work in manufacturing industries suffer injuries and deaths from workplace accidents at a higher rate than workers in other fields. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 percent of workers are employed in...