Do you currently understand the steps you would need to take if you were injured at your job in California? Do not feel discouraged if you do not because many don’t. You should not feel obligated to have a deep understanding of this process since many employees do not...
“We will ensure the settlement you receive is the best possible — and we are not afraid to go to trial to get it.”
– Attorney Eric Overholt
Workers’ Compensation
How a pre-existing condition can affect a workers’ compensation case
Suffering a workplace injury can make it difficult to get by. After all, you’ll have medical expenses that need to be paid, and your inability to work will prevent you from generating necessary income. While the workers’ compensation system might provide you with some...
Don’t fall for these common workers’ compensation myths
An on-the-job injury can leave you in a difficult financial position. Once you’re knocked out of work and are unable to earn a wage, you might struggle to make ends meet and pay for needed medical care. A workers’ compensation claim might give you the relief that you...
When can you appeal a workers’ compensation claim denial?
After being injured on the job, you need compensation to obtain financial relief until you can get back to work. After all, given your loss of income and expensive medical bills, your savings can be quickly eaten away. But even if you think you’ve presented a strong...
Do TBIs qualify for California workers’ compensation?
If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury while on the job, you likely wonder if you are eligible for workers’ compensation in California. The good news is that TBIs are covered under California's workers' compensation system, provided certain conditions are met....
Proving permanent disability after a workplace injury
A workplace injury can majorly affect your ability to work. California workers’ compensation benefits are designed to provide you with the income you need to pay your bills and medical expenses while you heal and recover from your injury. However, sometimes your...
Be aware of these common hidden workplace injuries
There are a lot of injuries that can be suffered in the workplace. But not all of them are readily apparent. You need to be aware of hidden injuries so that you can quickly identify them and seek out the workers’ compensation benefits needed to offset your medical...
When you are injured on the job, what should your employer do?
When an employee is injured on the job in California, there is always plenty of emphasis on what that employee did in the immediate aftermath of the situation: Did he report it to his employer? Did he seek proper medical treatment? Did he fill out the proper forms?...
What types of accidents lead to workers’ compensation claims?
California workers who have been injured in the workplace may be eligible for workers’ compensation. If you are injured on the job, you must notify your employer of the injury within 30 days and seek medical treatment. Then, you must submit a claim form to your...
Don’t fall for these four workers’ compensation myths
When you’ve been injured at work, you need compensation to help offset your lost wages and to cover your medical expenses. Without this support, you could face more extensive financial issues, such as eviction, foreclosure, and vehicle repossession. You might also be...