If you’ve been injured in the workplace by a third-party’s negligence, then your workers’ compensation benefits probably won’t go far enough to cover your losses. That’s why you might want to consider pursuing a personal injury lawsuit against that negligent third-party.
But even when you do so, you’re probably going to be confronted by a difficult situation when you’re offered a settlement. After all, a settlement can give you a quick infusion of cash and an easy way out of your case. But is settling your case your best option? Maybe. Maybe not.
What to consider when facing a settlement offer
Before accepting or declining a settlement offer, you need to consider a number of factors. Amongst them are:
- The evidence supporting a finding of third-party negligence
- The extent of your damages, paying careful attention to not only incurred losses but also anticipated damages
- How close the settlement offer is to the losses that you’ve identified
- Any evidentiary weaknesses in your case that could lead to a lost claim at trial
- How quickly you need compensation
- Your willingness to deal with the time and stress oftentimes associated with litigation
Only you can make the decision that is right for you when it comes to taking or leaving a settlement offer, but you may benefit from some guidance when it comes to assessing the elements of your case. That’s why law firms like mine are eager to help. I take pride in my ability to zealously advocate for my clients and give them the representation needed to position them for a successful recovery.
So, if you’d like to learn more about how best to approach your case, then I encourage you to read up on the law, browse our website, and consider reaching out to an attorney who is experienced in handling third-party liability cases stemming from workplace accidents.